In a recent piece for Plastics News, Ned Monroe makes the case for water infrastructure investment and the need for PVC pipe to address our infrastructure needs:

Our nation's water system is failing. And unless the plastics industry takes an active role in supporting full federal funding for our nation's crumbling infrastructure, we will miss a historic moment to innovate and modernize America's water systems. Our advocacy to Congress can bring safe, reliable and affordable water service to millions of Americans for the next century and beyond.

The nation is facing an infrastructure crisis, and the need for action is now. Our bridges are on the point of collapse. Our roads are filled with potholes and need refurbishing. The Report Card for America's Infrastructure reports that "growing wear and tear on our nation's roads have left 43 percent of our public roadways in poor or mediocre condition, a number that has remained stagnant over the past several years." Our transportation system is so bad it's delaying delivery of much-needed materials to customers.

Specific to water, the American Water Works Association estimates more than 240,000 water main breaks occur each year, wasting 2 trillion gallons of treated drinking water annually. The American Society of Civil Engineers notes that a water main break happens every two minutes...

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